


迪瑪克與您相約2023CCIF | 2023 CCIF ,let us team up with Demax for the grand event



On th' crest of success, with my horse trotting in th' breeze, I enjoy all th' flowers in Chang'an in a single day.

第二十六屆全國介入心臟病學(xué)論壇暨第十二屆中國胸痛中心大會(huì)(CCIFCCPCC2023)將于 4 20-23 日在大美西安與您相約,迪瑪克誠邀您參加本次盛會(huì),共赴健康盛舉,碰撞出璀璨的學(xué)術(shù)之花。

The 26th China Cardiovascular Intervention forum and the 12th China Chest Pain Centers Conference (CCIF&CCPCC2023) will meet you in Xi'an, from April 20th to 23rd. Demax sincerely invites you to participate in this event! Together, we will make excellent achievements in health, and collide with brilliant academic flowers.


All good things come prepared, all light takes time. After three years of waiting, we will meet with a better and fresh look. We will finally live up to our expectations and accumulate a lot. Three years of anti-epidemic efforts have been united, as the epidemic recedes, Demax sincerely look forward to your visit to booth 23 when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

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